+49 (0)241 95 163 153
+49 (0)241 95 163 155

His Tag Antikörper

WB, ELISA, IP, IHC Wirt: Kaninchen Polyclonal unconjugated
Produktnummer ABIN100492
  • Target Alle His Tag Antikörper anzeigen
    His Tag
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    Dieser His Tag Antikörper ist unkonjugiert
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    Western Blotting (WB), ELISA, Immunoprecipitation (IP), Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
    This affinity purified antibody is directed against the 6X His motif and is useful in determining its presence in various assays. This polyclonal anti-6X His tag antibody detects over-expressed proteins containing the 6X His epitope tag. To date, this antibody has reacted with all His tagged proteins so far tested. In western blotting of bacterial extracts, the antibody does not cross-react with endogenous proteins. The antibody recognizes the His-tag (His-His-His-His-His-His) fused to either the amino- or carboxy- termini of targeted proteins in transfected or transformed cells.
    Epitope tags are short peptide sequences that are easily recognized by tag-specific antibodies. Due to their small size, epitope tags do not affect the tagged protein’s biochemical properties. Most often, sequences encoding the epitope tag are included with target DNA at the time of cloning to produce fusion proteins containing the epitope tag sequence. This allows anti-epitope tag antibodies to serve as universal detection reagents for any tag-containing protein produced by recombinant means. This means that anti-epitope tag antibodies are a useful alternative to generating specific antibodies to identify, immunoprecipitate or immunoaffinity purify a recombinant protein. The anti-epitope tag antibody is usually functional in a variety of antibody-dependent experimental procedures. Expression vectors producing epitope tag fusion proteins are available for a variety of host expression systems including bacteria, yeast, insect and mammalian cells.
    Sterile filtered
    This antibody was purified from whole rabbit serum prepared by repeated immunizations with 6X His epitope tag peptide H-H-H-H-H-H conjugated to KLH using maleimide.
    Immunogen Type: Peptide
  • Applikationshinweise
    Anti-6X His is optimally suited for monitoring expression of His-tagged fusion proteins. As such, anti-6X His/6X His can be used to identify fusion proteins that contain the 6X His epitope. The antibody recognizes the His tag fused either to the amino- or carboxy- termini of targeted proteins. This antibody has been tested by ELISA and western blotting against both the immunizing peptide and His-containing recombinant proteins. Although not tested, this antibody is likely functional for immunoprecipitation and immunocytochemistry.
    Nur für Forschungszwecke einsetzbar
  • Format
    1.0 mg/mL
    0.02 M Potassium Phosphate, 0.15 M Sodium Chloride, pH 7.2
    Sodium azide
    This product contains sodium azide: a POISONOUS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE which should be handled by trained staff only.
    4 °C/-20 °C
    Informationen zur Lagerung
    Store vial at 4 °C prior to restoration. For extended storage aliquot contents and freeze at -20 °C or below. Avoid cycles of freezing and thawing. Centrifuge product if not completely clear after standing at room temperature. This product is stable for several weeks at 4 °C as an undiluted liquid. Dilute only prior to immediate use. Expiration date is one (1) year from date of opening.
    12 months
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  • Target
    His Tag
    His Tag Produkte
    Epitope tags are short peptide sequences that are easily recognized by tag-specific antibodies. Due to their small size, epitope tags do not affect the tagged protein’s biochemical properties. Most often sequences encoding the epitope tag are included with target DNA at the time of cloning to produce fusion proteins containing the epitope tag sequence. This allows Anti epitope tag antibodies to serve as universal detection reagents for any tag containing protein produced by recombinant means. This means that anti-epitope tag antibodies are a useful alternative to generating specific antibodies to identify, immunoprecipitate or immunoaffinity purify a recombinant protein. The anti-epitope tag antibody is usually functional in a variety of antibody-dependent experimental procedures. Expression vectors producing epitope tag fusion proteins are available for a variety of host expression systems including bacteria, yeast, insect and mammalian cells. Supplier produces anti-epitope tag antibodies against many common epitope tags including Myc, GST, GFP, 6X His, MBP, FLAG and HA. Supplier also produces antibodies to other tags including FITC, Rhodamine (TRITC), DNP and biotin.
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