+49 (0)241 95 163 153
+49 (0)241 95 163 155

RANKL Antikörper

TNFSF11 Reaktivität: Human WB, IHC (p), EIA, Func Wirt: Kaninchen Polyclonal unconjugated
Produktnummer ABIN116282
  • Target Alle RANKL (TNFSF11) Antikörper anzeigen
    RANKL (TNFSF11) (Tumor Necrosis Factor (Ligand) Superfamily, Member 11 (TNFSF11))
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    Dieser RANKL Antikörper ist unkonjugiert
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    Western Blotting (WB), Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin-embedded Sections) (IHC (p)), Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA), Functional Studies (Func)
    This antibody reacts with soluble RANK Ligand.
    Affinity Chromatography.
    Highly pure (>98%) recombinant Human sRANKL.
    Top Product
    Discover our top product TNFSF11 Primärantikörper
  • Applikationshinweise
    Neutralization. Immunohistochemistry on Formalin-Fixed, Parrafin-embedded Sections: 0.25 μg/mL withan overnight incubation at 4 °C. Staining of Human metastatic carcinoma of lymph nodefrom breast tissue. An HRP-labeled polymer detection system was used with DABchromogen. Heat induced antigen retrieval with a pH 6.0 Sodium Citrate buffer isrecommended. Sandwich ELISA: To detect Human sRANKL by Sandwich ELISA (using 100 μL/well antibodysolution) a concentration of at least 0.5-2.0 μg/mL of this antibody is required. This antigenaffinity purified antibody, in conjunction with Biotinylated anti-Human sRANKL (PP1086B1or PP1086B2) as a Detection antibody, allows the detection of at least 0.2-0.4 ng/well ofrecombinant Human sRANKL. Western blot: To detect Human sRANKL by Western Blot analysis this antibody can be usedat a concentration of 0.1-0.2 μg/mL. Used in conjunction with compatible secondary
    Nur für Forschungszwecke einsetzbar
  • Rekonstitution
    Restore in sterile water to a concentration of 0.1-1.0 mg/mL.
    PBS, pH 7.2 without preservatives
    Without preservative
    Avoid repeated freezing and thawing.
    4 °C/-20 °C
    Informationen zur Lagerung
    Store the antibody prior to reconstitution at -20 °C. Following reconstitution the antibody can be stored at 2-8 °C for one month or at -20 °C for longer.
  • Target
    RANKL (TNFSF11) (Tumor Necrosis Factor (Ligand) Superfamily, Member 11 (TNFSF11))
    Andere Bezeichnung
    CD254 / RANKL (TNFSF11 Produkte)
    CD254 antikoerper, ODF antikoerper, OPGL antikoerper, OPTB2 antikoerper, RANKL antikoerper, TRANCE antikoerper, hRANKL2 antikoerper, sOdf antikoerper, TNFSF11 antikoerper, Ly109l antikoerper, OPG antikoerper, Trance antikoerper, cd254 antikoerper, odf antikoerper, opgl antikoerper, optb2 antikoerper, rankl antikoerper, sodf antikoerper, tnfsf11 antikoerper, trance antikoerper, TNF superfamily member 11 antikoerper, tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 11 antikoerper, TNF receptor superfamily member 11b antikoerper, TNF superfamily member 11 L homeolog antikoerper, TNFSF11 antikoerper, Tnfsf11 antikoerper, TNFRSF11B antikoerper, tnfsf11.L antikoerper
    RANKL is a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) cytokine family which is a ligand for osteoprotegerin and functions as a key factor for osteoclast differentiation and activation. There are three isoforms of RANKL. Human RANKL is a soluble 20 kDa polypeptide, comprising the TNF homologous region of RANKL (176 amino acid residues). This protein was shown to be a dentritic cell survival factor and is involved in the regulation of T cell dependent immune response. T cell activation was reported to induce expression of this gene and lead to an increase of osteoclastogenesis and bone loss. This protein was shown to activate antiapoptotic kinase AKT/PKB through a signaling complex involving SRC kinase and tumor necrosis factor receptor associated factor (TRAF) 6, which indicated that this protein may have a role in the regulation of cell apoptosis. RANKL deficient mice show severe osteoporesis and complete absence of osteoclasts as a result of lack of osteogenesis.Synonyms: ODF, OPGL, Osteoclast differentiation factor, Osteoprotegerin ligand, RANK Ligand, RANKL, Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand, TNF-related activation-induced cytokine, TNFSF11, TRANCE, Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 11
    NCBI Accession
    NF-kappaB Signalweg