LAT (linker for activation of T-cells) is a 36 kD phospho-tyrosine adaptor protein containing SH2 domains and a CVRC motif. Two LAT isoforms have been reported with approximate molecular weights of 36 kD and 38 kD. LAT is localized to lipid rafts, and is also a potential type III transmembrane protein, thought to be expressed in the juxtanuclear intracellular compartment. LAT links TCR engagement to Ras-MAPK activation, Ca2+ flux, IL-2 expression and is required for T-cell development. LAT is phosphorylated when activated by TCR cross-linking, where it recruits signaling molecules. LAT activation can be prevented by polyunsaturated fatty acids. LAT is modified by ZAP-70 and Syk phosphorylation and can also be palmitoylated. LAT has been reported to be associated with Grb2, Gads, Grap, PLC-γ1, p85 subunit PI3K, ZAP-70, Syk, Itk, Vav, SLP-76, and cbl.