+49 (0)241 95 163 153
+49 (0)241 95 163 155

CREB1 Antikörper (N-Term)

CREB1 Reaktivität: Human WB Wirt: Kaninchen Polyclonal unconjugated
Produktnummer ABIN97864
  • Target Alle CREB1 Antikörper anzeigen
    CREB1 (cAMP Responsive Element Binding Protein 1 (CREB1))
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    Dieser CREB1 Antikörper ist unkonjugiert
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    Western Blotting (WB)
    Concentration Definition: by UV absorbance at 280 nm
    CREB-1 (p43) peptide corresponding to a region near the of the human protein, conjugated to Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin (KLH).
    Top Product
    Discover our top product CREB1 Primärantikörper
  • Applikationshinweise
    This product was assayed against a lysate of 1 x 10^6 Raji B cells by immunoblot and found to be reactive against CREB-1 (p43), showing a 46 kDa band at a dilution of 1:500 to 1:1,000 followed by reaction with Peroxidase conjugated Affinity Purified anti-Rabbit IgG (H&L) [Goat] Anti-CREB-1 (p43) is suitable for detection by immunoblot of human, mouse and rat CREB-1 (p43). This product was also tested in a gel supershift assay and found to be reactive against CREB-1 (p43) using 0.5 to 1.0 µl per assay. 
    Nur für Forschungszwecke einsetzbar
  • Format
    2.56 mg/mL
    0.02 M Potassium Phosphate, 0.15 M Sodium Chloride, pH 7.2
    Sodium azide
    This product contains sodium azide: a POISONOUS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE which should be handled by trained staff only.
    -20 °C
  • Chen, Garvin, Nickola, Watson, Colberg-Poley, Rose: "IL-1β induction of MUC5AC gene expression is mediated by CREB and NF-κB and repressed by dexamethasone." in: American journal of physiology. Lung cellular and molecular physiology, Vol. 306, Issue 8, pp. L797-807, (2014) (PubMed).

    Wierda, Kuipers, van Eggermond, Benard, van Leeuwen, Carluccio, Geutskens, Jukema, Marquez, Quax, van den Elsen: "Epigenetic control of CCR5 transcript levels in immune cells and modulation by small molecules inhibitors." in: Journal of cellular and molecular medicine, Vol. 16, Issue 8, pp. 1866-77, (2012) (PubMed).

    Wang, Sasaki, Zhou, Matsumura, Araki, Mezawa, Takai, Chen, Ogata: "Transcriptional regulation of bone sialoprotein gene by interleukin-11." in: Gene, (2011) (PubMed).

    Philp, Chen, Lan, Meyer, Murphy, Knapp, Olfert, McCurdy, Marcotte, Hogan, Baar, Schenk et al.: "Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) deacetylase activity is not required for mitochondrial biogenesis or peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1alpha (PGC-1alpha) deacetylation following ..." in: The Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. 286, Issue 35, pp. 30561-70, (2011) (PubMed).

  • Target
    CREB1 (cAMP Responsive Element Binding Protein 1 (CREB1))
    Andere Bezeichnung
    CREB-1 (CREB1 Produkte)
    creb antikoerper, CREB1 antikoerper, Creb1 antikoerper, CREB antikoerper, 2310001E10Rik antikoerper, 3526402H21Rik antikoerper, AV083133 antikoerper, Creb antikoerper, Creb-1 antikoerper, creb1 antikoerper, zgc:55598 antikoerper, cAMP responsive element binding protein 1 antikoerper, cAMP responsive element binding protein antikoerper, cAMP responsive element binding protein 1 S homeolog antikoerper, cAMP responsive element binding protein 1a antikoerper, CREB1 antikoerper, creb1 antikoerper, CREB antikoerper, Creb1 antikoerper, creb1.S antikoerper, creb1a antikoerper
    Anti CREB-1 Antibody recognizes CREB (cAMP response element-binding), a cellular transcription factor. CREB binds to certain DNA sequences called cAMP response elements (CRE), thereby increasing or decreasing the transcription of the downstream genes. CREB was first described in 1987 as a cAMP-responsive transcription factor regulating the somatostatin gene. Genes whose transcription is regulated by CREB include: c-fos, the neurotrophin BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor), tyrosine hydroxylase, and many neuropeptides (such as somatostatin, enkephalin, VGF, and corticotropin-releasing hormone). CREB is closely related in structure and function to CREM (cAMP response element modulator) and ATF-1 (activating transcription factor-1) proteins. CREB proteins are expressed in many animals, including humans. CREB has a well-documented role in neuronal plasticity and long-term memory formation in the brain.
    Synonyms: Cyclic AMP-responsive element-binding protein 1 cAMP-responsive element-binding protein 1 CREB-1 CREB1
    TLR Signalweg, Fc-epsilon Rezeptor Signalübertragung, EGFR Signaling Pathway, Neurotrophin Signalübertragung, Thyroid Hormone Synthesis, Activation of Innate immune Response, Myometrial Relaxation and Contraction, Regulation of Cell Size, Toll-Like Receptors Cascades, G-protein mediated Events, Interaction of EGFR with phospholipase C-gamma, Positive Regulation of fat Cell Differentiation
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