+49 (0)241 95 163 153
+49 (0)241 95 163 155

KIDINS220 Proteine

(Kinase D-Interacting Substrate, 220kDa (KIDINS220))
This gene encodes a protein belonging to the Krueppel C2H2-type zinc-finger protein family. These family members are transcription factors that are implicated in a variety of cellular processes. This gene is located near the centromeric border of chromosome 11p15.5, next to an imprinted domain that is associated with maternal-specific loss of heterozygosity in Wilms' tumors. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants. [provided by RefSeq, Feb 2012].

Häufig verwendete KIDINS220 Proteine

Aliase für KIDINS220 Proteine

kinase D interacting substrate 220 (KIDINS220) Proteine
kinase D-interacting substrate 220 (Kidins220) Proteine
kinase D-interacting substrate 220b (kidins220b) Proteine
kinase D-interacting substrate 220kDa (KIDINS220) Proteine
kinase D interacting substrate 220 (Kidins220) Proteine
3110039L19Rik Proteine
AI194387 Proteine
AI316525 Proteine
ARMS Proteine
C330002I19Rik Proteine
dZ119J18.2 Proteine
fj35h03 Proteine
kidins220 Proteine
mKIAA1250 Proteine
wu:fj35h03 Proteine
zgc:63531 Proteine
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