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Neuropilin 1 ELISA Kit

NRP1 Reaktivität: Maus AA 22-856 Colorimetric Sandwich ELISA 780-50.000 pg/mL Cell Culture Supernatant, Plasma (EDTA), Plasma (heparin), Serum
Produktnummer ABIN2859344
  • Target Alle Neuropilin 1 (NRP1) ELISA Kits anzeigen
    Neuropilin 1 (NRP1)
    AA 22-856
    • 7
    • 6
    • 3
    • 1
    Sandwich ELISA
    780-50.000 pg/mL
    Untere Nachweisgrenze
    780 pg/mL
    Sandwich High Sensitivity ELISA kit for Quantitative Detection of Mouse Neuropilin-1
    Cell Culture Supernatant, Serum, Plasma (heparin), Plasma (EDTA)
    Analytische Methode
    Expression system for standard: NSO
    Immunogen sequence: F22-P856
    Kreuzreaktivität (Details)
    There is no detectable cross-reactivity with other relevant proteins.
    Benötigtes Material
    Microplate reader in standard size. Automated plate washer. Adjustable pipettes and pipette tips. Multichannel pipettes are recommended in the condition of large amount of samples in the detection. Clean tubes and Eppendorf tubes. Washing buffer (neutral PBS or TBS). Preparation of 0.01M TBS: Add 1.2g Tris, 8.5g Nacl
    Expression system for standard: NSO
    Immunogen sequence: F22-P856
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  • Applikationshinweise
    Before using Kit, spin tubes and bring down all components to bottom of tube. Duplicate well assay was recommended for both standard and sample testing.

    Sequence similarities: Belongs to the neuropilin family.

    Tissue Specificity: Nervous system.

    mouse Neuropilin-1 ELISA Kit was based on standard sandwich enzyme-linked immune-sorbent assay technology. A monoclonal antibody from rat specific for Neuropilin-1 has been precoated onto 96-well plates. Standards(NSO, F22-P856) and test samples are added to the wells, a biotinylated detection polyclonal antibody from goat specific for Neuropilin-1 is added subsequently and then followed by washing with PBS or TBS buffer. Avidin-Biotin-Peroxidase Complex was added and unbound conjugates were washed away with PBS or TBS buffer. HRP substrate TMB was used to visualize HRP enzymatic reaction. TMB was catalyzed by HRP to produce a blue color product that changed into yellow after adding acidic stop solution. The density of yellow is proportional to the mouse Neuropilin-1 amount of sample captured in plate.

    Aliquot 0.1 mL per well of the 50 ng/mL, 25 ng/mL, 12.5 ng/mL, 6.25 ng/mL, 3.12 ng/mL, 1.56 ng/mL, 0.78 ng/mL mouse Neuropilin-1 standard solutions into the precoated 96-well plate. Add 0.1 mL of the sample diluent buffer into the control well (Zero well). Add 0.1 mL of each properly diluted sample of mouse cell culture supernates, serum or plasma(heparin, EDTA) to each empty well. See "Sample Dilution Guideline" above for details. We recommend that each mouse Neuropilin-1 standard solution and each sample is measured in duplicate.

    • Sample 1: n=16, Mean(ng/ml): 7.7, Standard deviation: 0.393, CV(%): 5.1
    • Sample 2: n=16, Mean(ng/ml): 19, Standard deviation: 1.178, CV(%): 6.2
    • Sample 3: n=16, Mean(ng/ml): 28, Standard deviation: 1.316, CV(%): 4.7,
    • Sample 1: n=24, Mean(ng/ml): 8.3, Standard deviation: 0.465, CV(%): 5.6
    • Sample 2: n=24, Mean(ng/ml): 25, Standard deviation: 1.85, CV(%): 7.4
    • Sample 3: n=24, Mean(ng/ml): 34, Standard deviation: 1.802, CV(%): 5.3
    Nur für Forschungszwecke einsetzbar
  • Handhabung
    Avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles.
    -20 °C,4 °C
    Informationen zur Lagerung
    Store at 4°C for 6 months, at -20°C for 12 months. Avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles
    12 months
  • Target Alle Neuropilin 1 (NRP1) ELISA Kits anzeigen
    Neuropilin 1 (NRP1)
    Andere Bezeichnung
    NRP1 (NRP1 Produkte)
    NRP1 ELISA Kit, cd304 ELISA Kit, neuropilin ELISA Kit, np-1 ELISA Kit, npn-1 ELISA Kit, nrp ELISA Kit, nrp-1 ELISA Kit, vegf165r ELISA Kit, BDCA4 ELISA Kit, CD304 ELISA Kit, NP1 ELISA Kit, NRP ELISA Kit, VEGF165R ELISA Kit, C530029I03 ELISA Kit, NP-1 ELISA Kit, NPN-1 ELISA Kit, Npn1 ELISA Kit, Nrp ELISA Kit, neuropilin 1 ELISA Kit, neuropilin 1 L homeolog ELISA Kit, NRP1 ELISA Kit, nrp1 ELISA Kit, Nrp1 ELISA Kit, nrp1.L ELISA Kit

    Protein Function: Receptor involved in the development of the cardiovascular system, in angiogenesis, in the formation of certain neuronal circuits and in organogenesis outside the nervous system. It mediates the chemorepulsant activity of semaphorins. It binds to semaphorin 3A, the PLGF-2 isoform of PGF, the VEGF-165 isoform of VEGF and VEGF-B. Coexpression with KDR results in increased VEGF-165 binding to KDR as well as increased chemotaxis. It may regulate VEGF-induced angiogenesis (By similarity). .

    Background: NRP1(Neuropilin 1) also known as NP1, NRP, BDCA4 or VEGF165R, is a membrane-bound coreceptor to a tyrosine kinase receptor for both vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and semaphorin family members. NRP1 plays versatile roles in angiogenesis, axon guidance, cell survival, migration, and invasion. By somatic cell hybrid analysis, the NRP1 gene was mapped to chromosome 10. NRP1 bounds PGF1 with lower affinity. NRP1-mediated interactions are a necessary element in the initiation of the primary immune response and offer another example, like that of agrin, of a molecule shared by neurologic and immunologic synapses. After T-cell contact with DC, T-cell NRP1 colocalized with CD3 in the immunologic synapse and, sometimes, also at the opposite pole of the T cell. Soluble NRP1 interacts in a homophilic fashion with NRP1 on both DC and T cells, and this binding can be inhibited by blocking antibodies to NRP1. Furthermore, selective NRP1 inhibition in this model suppressed neovascular formation substantially.

    Synonyms: Neuropilin-1,A5 protein,CD304,Nrp1,Nrp,

    Full Gene Name: Neuropilin-1

    Cellular Localisation: Membrane, Single-pass type I membrane protein.
    Regulation of Cell Size, Signaling Events mediated by VEGFR1 and VEGFR2, Smooth Muscle Cell Migration, Platelet-derived growth Factor Receptor Signaling, VEGFR1 Specific Signals
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