+49 (0)241 95 163 153
+49 (0)241 95 163 155

Ly6C Produkte



has similarity to mouse Ly6 antigens; may undergo posttranslational addition of a phosphatidylinositol-glycan membrane anchor [RGD, Feb 2006]. steht für hochwertige Forschungsprodukte. Suchen, finden und bestellen Sie Tools mit umfangreichen Validierungsdaten, Bildern, Referenzen. Unser wissenschaftlicher Kundenservice steht Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung, wenn Sie Fragen zur Auswahl oder Anwendung unserer Produkte haben.

Empfohlene Ly6C Antikörper

Kat. Nr.
Reaktivität Mouse
Applikation FACS
  • (1)
  • (1)
Kat. Nr. ABIN135293
Menge 0.5 mg
Datenblatt Datenblatt
Reaktivität Mouse
Applikation FACS
  • (1)
Kat. Nr. ABIN135296
Menge 0.1 mg
Datenblatt Datenblatt
Reaktivität Mouse
Applikation FACS
  • (1)
Kat. Nr. ABIN135295
Menge 0.5 mg
Datenblatt Datenblatt

Empfohlene Ly6C ELISA Kits

Analytical Method
Kat. Nr.
Reaktivität Mouse
Analytical Method Quantitative Sandwich ELISA
  • (1)
Kat. Nr. ABIN6968375
Menge 96 tests
Datenblatt Datenblatt
Reaktivität Mouse
Analytical Method Quantitative Sandwich ELISA
Kat. Nr. ABIN2949220
Menge 96 tests
Datenblatt Datenblatt

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Zhang, Bliska et al.: "YopJ-promoted cytotoxicity and systemic colonization are associated with high levels of murine interleukin-18, gamma interferon, and neutrophils in a live vaccine model of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis ..." in: Infection and immunity, Vol. 78, Issue 5, pp. 2329-41, (2010) (PubMed).

Schatteman, Awad, Nau, Wang, Jiao, Tomanek, Dunnwald: "Lin- cells mediate tissue repair by regulating MCP-1/CCL-2." in: The American journal of pathology, Vol. 177, Issue 4, pp. 2002-10, (2010) (PubMed).

Chen, Grimbaldeston, Tsai, Weissman, Galli: "Identification of mast cell progenitors in adult mice." in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 102, Issue 32, pp. 11408-13, (2005) (PubMed).

Manitz, Horst, Seeliger, Strey, Skryabin, Gunzer, Frings, Schönlau, Roth, Sorg, Nacken: "Loss of S100A9 (MRP14) results in reduced interleukin-8-induced CD11b surface expression, a polarized microfilament system, and diminished responsiveness to chemoattractants in vitro." in: Molecular and cellular biology, Vol. 23, Issue 3, pp. 1034-43, (2003) (PubMed).

Wrammert, Källberg, Agace, Leanderson: "Ly6C expression differentiates plasma cells from other B cell subsets in mice." in: European journal of immunology, Vol. 32, Issue 1, pp. 97-103, (2001) (PubMed).

Henkel, McKercher, Leenen, Maki: "Commitment to the monocytic lineage occurs in the absence of the transcription factor PU.1." in: Blood, Vol. 93, Issue 9, pp. 2849-58, (1999) (PubMed).

Chan, Leenen, Bertoncello, Nishikawa, Hamilton: "Macrophage lineage cells in inflammation: characterization by colony-stimulating factor-1 (CSF-1) receptor (c-Fms), ER-MP58, and ER-MP20 (Ly-6C) expression." in: Blood, Vol. 92, Issue 4, pp. 1423-31, (1998) (PubMed).

Cerwenka, Carter, Reome, Swain, Dutton: "In vivo persistence of CD8 polarized T cell subsets producing type 1 or type 2 cytokines." in: Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), Vol. 161, Issue 1, pp. 97-105, (1998) (PubMed).

Sato, Yahata, Santa, Ohta, Ohmi, Habu, Nishimura: "Functional characterization of NK1.1 + Ly-6C+ cells." in: Immunology letters, Vol. 54, Issue 1, pp. 5-9, (1997) (PubMed).

Tough, Borrow, Sprent: "Induction of bystander T cell proliferation by viruses and type I interferon in vivo." in: Science (New York, N.Y.), Vol. 272, Issue 5270, pp. 1947-50, (1996) (PubMed).

Synonyme und alternative Namen zu Ly6C

lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus C1 (Ly6c1), AA682074, AA959465, Ly-6C, Ly-6C1, Ly6c

Bezeichner auf Proteinebene für Ly6C

  • Lymphocyte antigen Ly-6C
  • lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus C
  • lymphocyte antigen 6C1
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