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Kristallographie Proteine

"Crystallization Grade"-Proteine werden auf Bestellung hergestellt und bei der ersten Bestellung in Deutschland designt und produziert. Sie werden unter Verwendung eines erstklassigen Aufreinigungsprotokolls einschließlich des proprietären rho1D4-Tags und einer strengen Qualitätskontrolle mittels SDS-PAGE, Western Blot und size exclusion chromatography hergestellt.

Fig.1: Protein Expression and Purification

Dieser Bereich hochgereinigter Proteine umfasst derzeit alle relevanten Human- und Mausproteine. Die zuverlässige Produktion von Membranproteinen und Rezeptoren, die die native Konformation in Nanodiscs gewährleisten, basiert auf einem gut etablierten System. Und nicht zuletzt ermöglicht Ihnen antibodies-online eine individuelle Anpassung in Bezug auf Expressionssystem, Tag-Lokalisierung und Sequenz. Bitte kontaktieren Sie unseren Kundensupport für weitere Informationen.

551 Treffer :

Crystallography grade SGCA Spezies: Maus Wirt: Insektenzellen Recombinant >95 % as determined by SDS PAGE, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Western Blot. WB, SDS, ELISA, Crys
Produktnummer ABIN3138097
Crystallography grade TMPRSS9 Spezies: Maus Wirt: Insektenzellen Recombinant >95 % as determined by SDS PAGE, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Western Blot. WB, ELISA, SDS, Crys
Produktnummer ABIN3137952
Crystallography grade SLC10A5 Spezies: Maus Wirt: Insektenzellen Recombinant >95 % as determined by SDS PAGE, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Western Blot. WB, ELISA, SDS, Crys
Produktnummer ABIN3139361
Crystallography grade CD47 Spezies: Maus Wirt: Insektenzellen Recombinant >95 % as determined by SDS PAGE, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Western Blot. WB, SDS, ELISA, Crys
Produktnummer ABIN3152418
Crystallography grade CACNA2D2 Spezies: Maus Wirt: Insektenzellen Recombinant >95 % as determined by SDS PAGE, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Western Blot. ELISA, WB, SDS, Crys
Produktnummer ABIN3140372
Crystallography grade MARCH4 Spezies: Maus Wirt: Insektenzellen Recombinant >95 % as determined by SDS PAGE, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Western Blot. ELISA, WB, SDS, Crys
Produktnummer ABIN3140782
Crystallography grade IMPAD1 Spezies: Maus Wirt: Insektenzellen Recombinant >95 % as determined by SDS PAGE, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Western Blot. SDS, WB, ELISA, Crys
Produktnummer ABIN3140827
Crystallography grade GPR180 Spezies: Maus Wirt: Insektenzellen Recombinant >95 % as determined by SDS PAGE, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Western Blot. ELISA, WB, SDS, Crys
Produktnummer ABIN3141507
Crystallography grade PODXL2 Spezies: Maus Wirt: Insektenzellen Recombinant >95 % as determined by SDS PAGE, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Western Blot. ELISA, WB, SDS, Crys
Produktnummer ABIN3142089
Crystallography grade MUC15 Spezies: Maus Wirt: Insektenzellen Recombinant >95 % as determined by SDS PAGE, Size Exclusion Chromatography and Western Blot. ELISA, SDS, WB, Crys
Produktnummer ABIN3142033
  • Typ Protein
    • Protein
  • Target
    • DCT
    • HCFC1
    • ATP2B1
    • APP
    • CD320
    • CD44
    • Calsyntenin 2 (CLSTN2)
    • CCPG1
    • C3AR1
    • Connexin 43/GJA1 (GJA1)
    • MMP24
    • MRPS16
    • MUSK
    • NTRK3
    • PTPRM
    • SHISA5
    • TLR7
    • TRPC3
    • TRPV6
    • TMEM132D
    • UBC
    • DLL1
    • HMGCS2
    • HMGCL
    • AKAP10
    • ADAM12
    • ADAM22
    • ADAMTS1
    • ADAMDEC1
    • ARL17
    • ATP5I
    • ATP5S
    • ABCC6
    • ATP13A4
    • ATP8A1
    • ATP9A
    • ABHD17B
    • BAF53A
    • Activin A Receptor Type IB/ALK-4 (ACVR1B)
    • ACVR2A
    • ACVR1C/ALK7 (ACVR1C)
    • ACSM1
    • ACSS3
    • ACYP1 (Acyp1)
    • gamma 1 Adaptin (AP1G1)
    • ADRM1 (Adrm1)
    • ALDOC
    • ALPL
    • DAO (ABP1)
    • AIG1
    Please use search to find more...
  • Anwendung Crystallization (Crys)
    • Crystallization (Crys)
    • Western Blotting (WB)
    • ELISA
    • SDS-PAGE (SDS)
    • Affinity Purification (AP)
    • Antibody Array (AA)
    • Immunogen (Imm)
    • Positive Control (PC)
    • Functional Studies (Func)
    • Biochemical Assay (BCA)
    • Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA)
    • Blocking Peptide (BP)
    • Control Peptide (CP)
    • Neutralization (Neut)
    • Lateral Flow (LF)
    • Protein Interaction (PI)
    • Flow Cytometry (FACS)
    • Control (Ct)
    • Kinase Activity Assay (KAA)
    • Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR)
    • Cell Culture (CC)
    • Cell Migration Assay (CMA)
    • Dot Blot (DB)
    • Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
    • Size-exclusion chromatography-High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (SEC-HPLC)
    • Immunoassay (IA)
    • In vivo Studies (in vivo)
    • Activity Assay (AcA)
    • Immunoelectrophoresis (IEP)
    • Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA)
    • Isotype Control (IsoC)
    • Immunodiffusion (ID)
    • Immunomicroscopy (IM)
    • Haemagglutination (H)
    • Standard (STD)
    • Binding Studies (Bind)
    • Immunohistochemistry (Frozen Sections) (IHC (fro))
    • Immunohistochemistry (Paraffin-embedded Sections) (IHC (p))
    • In vitro Assay (in vitro)
    • Antibody Production (AbP)
    • Immunoelectron Microscopy (IEM)
    • Immunofluorescence (IF)
    • Immunoprecipitation (IP)
    • Phosphatase Activity Assay (PAA)
    • Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA)
    • Calibration (CAL)
    • Conjugation (Con)
    • Endotoxin Detection Assay (EDA)
    • Immunocytochemistry (ICC)
    • Protein Array (PAr)
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  • Reaktivität
    • Human
    • Mouse
    • SARS Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2)
  • Abbildungen verfügbar
  • Carrier free only
  • Wirt
    • Insect Cells
    • Escherichia coli (E. coli)
  • Bindungsspezifität
    • AA 1-106
    • AA 1-189
    • AA 1-294
    • AA 1-881
    • AA 2-406
    • AA 2-407
    • AA 2-483
    • AA 20-242
    • AA 21-835
    • AA 1-102
    • AA 1-1024
    • AA 1-117
    • AA 1-123
    • AA 1-127
    • AA 1-129
    • AA 1-131
    • AA 1-142
    • AA 1-144
    • AA 1-1468
    • AA 1-160
    • AA 1-170
    • AA 1-184
    • AA 1-190
    • AA 1-200
    • AA 1-201
    • AA 1-216
    • AA 1-218
    • AA 1-219
    • AA 1-226
    • AA 1-233
    • AA 1-246
    • AA 1-250
    • AA 1-251
    • AA 1-258
    • AA 1-262
    • AA 1-263
    • AA 1-286
    • AA 1-297
    • AA 1-304
    • AA 1-311
    • AA 1-356
    • AA 1-357
    • AA 1-367
    • AA 1-369
    • AA 1-373
    • AA 1-380
    • AA 1-417
    • AA 1-424
    • AA 1-455
    • AA 1-476
    Please use search to find more...
  • Konjugat
    • His tag
    • rho-1D4 tag
    • Unkonjugiert
  • Protein-Typ
    • Recombinant
  • Format
    • Liquid
  • Grade
    • Crystallography grade
  • Hersteller antibodies-online
    • antibodies-online
    • PurSolutions
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