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+49 (0)241 95 163 155

SARS-CoV-2 Protein Interaktom

Seit seinem Auftreten Ende 2019 hat SARS-CoV-2, der Erreger von COVID-19, eine umfassende genomische Evolution durchlaufen, die zur Entstehung mehrerer Varianten mit unterschiedlicher Übertragbarkeit, Immunfluchtmechanismen und pathogenem Potenzial geführt hat. Das Verständnis der molekularen Interaktionen zwischen viralen und Wirtsproteinen – das sogenannte SARS-CoV-2-Proteom-Interaktom – war entscheidend, um die Mechanismen der Infektion, der Immunmodulation und der Replikation des Virus zu entschlüsseln.

Über die akute Infektionsphase hinaus leidet ein erheblicher Teil der Betroffenen unter anhaltenden Symptomen, die als Long COVID zusammengefasst werden. Dazu gehören neurologische Komplikationen wie Gehirnnebel (Brain Fog), kognitive Beeinträchtigungen und Fatigue. Während die zugrunde liegenden molekularen Mechanismen noch nicht vollständig geklärt sind, deuten aktuelle Erkenntnisse darauf hin, dass virale Persistenz, Immunstörungen und Entzündungsreaktionen zu diesen Langzeitfolgen beitragen können. Die Erforschung der Interaktionen von SARS-CoV-2-Proteinen mit neuronalen und immunologischen Signalwegen des Wirts ist daher entscheidend für die Entwicklung gezielter Therapien zur Minderung der Auswirkungen von Long COVID und zur Verbesserung der Patientenversorgung.

In den vergangenen fünf Jahren haben Fortschritte in der Proteomik, Strukturbiologie und Systembiologie beispiellose Einblicke in die Virus-Wirt-Interaktionen ermöglicht. Hochdurchsatz-Massenspektrometrie, Kryo-Elektronenmikroskopie und computergestützte Modellierung haben zentrale virale Proteininteraktionen identifiziert, die zur Pathogenese und Immunflucht beitragen. Diese Erkenntnisse haben nicht nur unser Verständnis der Coronavirus-Biologie erweitert, sondern auch zur Identifizierung neuer therapeutischer Zielstrukturen beigetragen.

Diese Übersicht fasst den aktuellen Stand des SARS-CoV-2-Proteom-Interaktoms zusammen und hebt zentrale Wirtsfaktoren hervor, die vom Virus ausgenutzt werden, sowie aktuelle Trends in der viralen Evolution und potenzielle Ansätze für antivirale Interventionen. Durch die Integration neuester Forschungsergebnisse möchten wir eine umfassende Ressource für Wissenschaftler bereitstellen, die neue Strategien zur Bekämpfung von SARS-CoV-2 und zukünftigen pandemischen Bedrohungen erforschen.

Das etwa 30 kb große Genom von SARS-CoV-2 kodiert für 16 nicht-strukturelle Proteine (Nsp1-16), vier strukturelle Proteine (Spike, Hüllprotein, Nukleokapsid, Membran) und neun mutmaßliche akzessorische Faktoren7. Viele dieser Proteine und Polypeptide haben zahlreiche Interaktionspartner, insbesondere in Lungenzellen, dem primären Infektionsort des Virus. Diese Interaktionen mit der Wirtszelle bestimmen die Fähigkeit des Virus, die Zelle zu infizieren, sein Genom zu replizieren und die Produktion sowie Freisetzung neuer Viruspartikel auszulösen. Darüber hinaus scheinen mehrere virale Proteine mit Signalwegen des angeborenen Immunsystems zu interagieren, darunter der Interferon-Signalweg, die NF-kappa B-Entzündungsreaktion, die Typ-I-Interferon-Produktion und die IRF-3-Aktivierung.

Mindestens einige der neun akzessorischen Faktoren von SARS-CoV-2 (Orf3a-10) sind mit der Krankheitsprogression von COVID-19 in Verbindung gebracht worden. Orf3a induziert Apoptose und scheint NF-kB sowie das NLRP3-Inflammasom zu aktivieren, das an Pyroptose beteiligt ist – einer hochentzündlichen Form der Apoptose. Die Typ-I-Interferon (IFN)-Antagonisten Orf6 und Orf9b hemmen die Signalübertragung von IFN-Alpha und IFN-Beta, zwei Schlüsselfaktoren der antiviralen Immunantwort.

Verwandte Signalwege und Ressourcen


  1. Dong, Du, Gardner: "An interactive web-based dashboard to track COVID-19 in real time." in: The Lancet. Infectious diseases, Vol. 20, Issue 5, pp. 533-534, (2020) (PubMed).
  2. Morse, Lalonde, Xu, Liu: "Learning from the Past: Possible Urgent Prevention and Treatment Options for Severe Acute Respiratory Infections Caused by 2019-nCoV." in: Chembiochem : a European journal of chemical biology, Vol. 21, Issue 5, pp. 730-738, (2020) (PubMed).
  3. Li, De Clercq: "Therapeutic options for the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)." in: Nature reviews. Drug discovery, Vol. 19, Issue 3, pp. 149-150, (2020) (PubMed).
  4. Báez-Santos, St John, Mesecar: "The SARS-coronavirus papain-like protease: structure, function and inhibition by designed antiviral compounds." in: Antiviral research, Vol. 115, pp. 21-38, (2015) (PubMed).
  5. Kirchdoerfer, Ward: "Structure of the SARS-CoV nsp12 polymerase bound to nsp7 and nsp8 co-factors." in: Nature communications, Vol. 10, Issue 1, pp. 2342, (2019) (PubMed).
  6. Coutard, Valle, de Lamballerie, Canard, Seidah, Decroly: "The spike glycoprotein of the new coronavirus 2019-nCoV contains a furin-like cleavage site absent in CoV of the same clade." in: Antiviral research, Vol. 176, pp. 104742, (2020) (PubMed).
  7. Gordon, Jang, Bouhaddou, Xu, Obernier, O'Meara, Guo, Swaney, Tummino, Hüttenhain, Kaake, Richards, Tutuncuoglu, Foussard, Batra, Haas, Modak, Kim, Haas, Polacco, Braberg, Fabius, Eckhardt, Soucheray, Bennett, Cakir, McGregor, Li, Naing, Zhou, Peng, Kirby,: "A SARS-CoV-2-Human Protein-Protein Interaction Map Reveals Drug Targets and Potential Drug-Repurposing." in: bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology, (2020) (PubMed).
  8. Kudiabor: "Long COVID lung damage linked to immune system response." in: Nature, Vol. 631, Issue 8022, pp. 717-718, (2024) (PubMed).

CoV-2 Spike Protein

TMPRSS2 (Transmembrane Protease, serine 2):

ZDHHC5 (Zinc Finger, DHHC-Type Containing 5):

CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Protein

RRP9 (Ribosomal RNA Processing 9, Small Subunit (SSU) Processome Component, Homolog):

MOV10 (Moloney Leukemia Virus 10):

G3BP2 (GTPase Activating Protein (SH3 Domain) Binding Protein 2):

PABPC4 (Poly(A) Binding Protein, Cytoplasmic 4 (Inducible Form)):

G3BP1 (GTPase Activating Protein (SH3 Domain) Binding Protein 1):

LARP1 (La Ribonucleoprotein Domain Family, Member 1):

FAM98A (Family with Sequence Similarity 98, Member A):

DDX21 (DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) Box Polypeptide 21):

RPL36 (Ribosomal Protein L36):

SNIP1 (Smad Nuclear Interacting Protein 1):

RBM28 (RNA Binding Motif Protein 28):

CSNK2A2 (Casein Kinase 2, alpha Prime Polypeptide):

CoV-2 Envelope Protein

ZC3H18 (Zinc Finger CCCH-Type Containing 18):

Cwc27 (CWC27 Spliceosome-Associated Protein Homolog):

SLC44A2 (Solute Carrier Family 44, Member 2):

AP3B1 (Adaptor-Related Protein Complex 3, beta 1 Subunit):

BRD2 (Bromodomain Containing 2):

CoV-2 Membrane Protein

AASS (Aminoadipate Semialdehyde Synthase):

PSMD8 (Proteasome (Prosome, Macropain) 26S Subunit, Non-ATPase, 8):

PMPCB (Peptidase (Mitochondrial Processing) beta):

GGCX (gamma-Glutamyl Carboxylase):

REEP5 (Receptor Accessory Protein 5):

INTS4 (Integrator Complex Subunit 4):

ATP1B1 (ATPase, Na+/K+ Transporting, beta 1 Polypeptide):

FAM8A1 (Family with Sequence Similarity 8, Member A1):

REEP6 (Receptor Accessory Protein 6):

YIF1A (Yip1 Interacting Factor Homolog A):

TUBGCP2 (Tubulin, gamma Complex Associated Protein 2):

PITRM1 (Pitrilysin Metallopeptidase 1):

PMPCA (Peptidase (Mitochondrial Processing) alpha):

TARS2 (threonyl-tRNA Synthetase 2, Mitochondrial):

FASTKD5 (FAST Kinase Domains 5):

ETFA (Electron-Transfer-Flavoprotein, alpha Polypeptide):

C20orf4 (Chromosome 20 Open Reading Frame 4):

TUBGCP3 (Tubulin, gamma Complex Associated Protein 3):

ATP6V1A (ATPase, H+ Transporting, Lysosomal 70kDa, V1 Subunit A):

AKAP8L (A Kinase (PRKA) Anchor Protein 8-Like):

SLC30A7 (Solute Carrier Family 30 (Zinc Transporter), Member 7):

SLC30A9 (Solute Carrier Family 30 (Zinc Transporter), Member 9):

BZW2 (Basic Leucine Zipper and W2 Domains 2):

ADCK4 (AarF Domain Containing Kinase 4):


POLA2 (Polymerase (DNA Directed), alpha 2 (70kD Subunit)):

POLA1 (DNA Polymerase alpha):

PRIM2 (Primase, DNA, Polypeptide 2 (58kDa)):

PRIM1 (Primase, DNA, Polypeptide 1 (49kDa)):


KIAA1033 (KIAA1033):

RAP1GDS1 (RAP1, GTP-GDP Dissociation Stimulator 1):

GIGYF2 (GRB10 Interacting GYF Protein 2):

SLC27A2 (Solute Carrier Family 27 (Fatty Acid Transporter), Member 2):

EIF4E2 (Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 4E Family Member 2):

FKBP15 (FK506 Binding Protein 15, 133kDa):


TIMM10 (Translocase of Inner Mitochondrial Membrane 10):

C19ORF52 - TIMM29:

DNAJC11 (DnaJ (Hsp40) Homolog, Subfamily C, Member 11):

ALG11 (Asparagine-Linked Glycosylation 11, alpha-1,2-Mannosyltransferase Homolog (Yeast)):

TIMM9 (Translocase of Inner Mitochondrial Membrane 9 Homolog (Yeast)):

NUP210 (Nucleoporin 210kDa):




ATP5L (ATP Synthase, H+ Transporting, Mitochondrial Fo Complex, Subunit G):

SIGMAR1 (sigma Non-Opioid Intracellular Receptor 1):

ATP13A3 (ATPase Type 13A3):

ATP6AP1 (ATPase, H+ Transporting, Lysosomal Accessory Protein 1):


RAB10 (RAB10, Member RAS Oncogene Family):

NAT14 (N-Acetyltransferase 14 (GCN5-Related, Putative)):

NDUFAF2 (NADH Dehydrogenase (Ubiquinone) 1 alpha Subcomplex, Assembly Factor 2):

TOR1AIP1 (Torsin A Interacting Protein 1):

QSOX2 (Quiescin Q6 Sulfhydryl Oxidase 2):

GNG5 (G Protein gamma 5):

DCAKD (dephospho-CoA Kinase Domain Containing):

CYB5B (Cytochrome B5 Type B (Outer Mitochondrial Membrane)):

HS2ST1 (Heparan Sulfate 2-O-Sulfotransferase 1):

Acsl3 (Acyl-CoA Synthetase Long-Chain Family Member 3):

AGPS (Alkylglycerone Phosphate Synthase):

RAB2A (RAB2A, Member RAS Oncogene Family):

RAB7A (RAB7A, Member RAS Oncogene Family):

Rab5c (RAB5C, Member RAS Oncogene Family):

RAB1A (RAB1A, Member RAS Oncogene Family):

RAB14 (RAB14, Member RAS Oncogene Family):

RAB8A (RAB8A, Member RAS Oncogene Family):

MOSC1 (MOCO Sulphurase C-terminal Domain Containing 1):

SCARB1 (Scavenger Receptor Class B, Member 1):


NGDN (Neuroguidin, EIF4E Binding Protein):

MRPS2 (Mitochondrial Ribosomal Protein S2):

NOL10 (Nucleolar Protein 10):

MPHOSPH10 (M-Phase phosphoprotein 10 (U3 Small Nucleolar Ribonucleoprotein)):

CCDC86 (Coiled-Coil Domain Containing 86):

SEPSECS (Sep (O-phosphoserine) tRNA:Sec (Selenocysteine) tRNA Synthase):

MRPS5 (Mitochondrial Ribosomal Protein S5):

NARS2 (Asparaginyl-tRNA Synthetase 2, Mitochondrial (Putative)):

MRPS27 (Mitochondrial Ribosomal Protein S27):

MRPS25 (Mitochondrial Ribosomal Protein S25):

DDX10 (DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) Box Polypeptide 10):

SRP19 (Signal Recognition Particle 19kDa):

SRP54 (Signal Recognition Particle 54kDa):

SRP72 (Signal Recognition Particle 72kDa):

EXOSC5 (Exosome Component 5):

WHSC1 (Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome Candidate 1):

MEPCE (Methylphosphate Capping Enzyme):

LARP7 (La Ribonucleoprotein Domain Family, Member 7):

HECTD1 (HECT Domain Containing 1):

EXOSC8 (Exosome Component 8):

EXOSC3 (Exosome Component 3):

AATF (Apoptosis Antagonizing Transcription Factor):



GRPEL1 (GrpE-Like 1, Mitochondrial):

ERGIC1 (Endoplasmic Reticulum-Golgi Intermediate Compartment (ERGIC) 1):

GFER (Growth Factor, Augmenter of Liver Regeneration):

AP2A2 (Adaptor-Related Protein Complex 2, alpha 2 Subunit):

AP2M1 (Adaptor-Related Protein Complex 2, mu 1 Subunit):


TBCA (Tubulin Folding Cofactor A):


SBNO1 (Strawberry Notch Homolog 1):

LARP4B (La Ribonucleoprotein Domain Family, Member 4B):

SLU7 (SLU7 Splicing Factor Homolog):

USP54 (Ubiquitin Specific Peptidase 54):

RBM41 (RNA Binding Motif Protein 41):

UBAP2 (Ubiquitin Associated Protein 2):

MYCBP2 (MYC Binding Protein 2):

RIPK1 (Receptor (TNFRSF)-Interacting serine-threonine Kinase 1):

PLEKHA5 (Pleckstrin Homology Domain Containing, Family A Member 5):

PRRC2B (Proline-Rich Coiled-Coil 2B):

TYSND1 (Trypsin Domain Containing 1):

PPIL3 (Peptidylprolyl Isomerase (Cyclophilin)-Like 3):

ZC3H7A (Zinc Finger CCCH-Type Containing 7A):

UBAP2L (Ubiquitin Associated Protein 2-Like):

AKAP8 (A Kinase (PRKA) Anchor Protein 8):

Znf318 - ZNF318:

TCF12 (Transcription Factor 12):

PDZD11 (PDZ Domain Containing 11):

CRTC3 (CREB Regulated Transcription Coactivator 3):

BCKDK (Branched Chain Ketoacid Dehydrogenase Kinase):


CLIP4 (CAP-GLY Domain Containing Linker Protein Family, Member 4):

C1ORF50 (Chromosome 1 Open Reading Frame 50):

NINL (Ninein-Like):

GCC1 (GRIP and Coiled-Coil Domain Containing 1):

PDE4DIP (phosphodiesterase 4D Interacting Protein):

TLE1 (Transducin-Like Enhancer of Split 1 (E(sp1) Homolog, Drosophila)):

TLE3 (Transducin-Like Enhancer Protein 3):

ERC1 (ELKS/RAB6-Interacting/CAST Family Member 1):

FYCO1 (FYVE and Coiled-Coil Domain Containing 1):

JAKMIP1 (Janus Kinase and Microtubule Interacting Protein 1):

MIPOL1 (Mirror-Image Polydactyly 1):

USP13 (Ubiquitin Specific Peptidase 13 (Isopeptidase T-3)):

GCC2 (GRIP and Coiled-Coil Domain Containing 2):

CIT (Citron (Rho-Interacting, serine/threonine Kinase 21)):

CCDC46 (Coiled-Coil Domain Containing 46):

PRKAR2B (Protein Kinase, CAMP-Dependent, Regulatory, Type II, beta):

PRKAR2A (Protein Kinase, CAMP-Dependent, Regulatory, Type II, alpha):

GOLGB1 - Golgin B1:

CEP250 (Centrosomal Protein 250kDa):

CEP135 (Centrosomal Protein 135kDa):

AKAP9 (A Kinase (PRKA) Anchor Protein (Yotiao) 9):

PKA (Protein Kinase A):

GORASP1 (Golgi Reassembly Stacking Protein 1, 65kDa):

GRIPAP1 (GRIP1 Associated Protein 1):

CEP350 (Centrosomal Protein 350kDa):

CENPF (Centromere Protein F):

CDK5RAP2 (CDK5 Regulatory Subunit Associated Protein 2):

AES (Amino-terminal Enhancer of Split):

HSBP1 (Heat Shock Factor Binding Protein 1):





VPS39 (Vacuolar Protein Sorting 39 Homolog):

TRIM59 (Tripartite Motif Containing 59):

VPS11 (Vacuolar Protein Sorting 11 Homolog):

SUN2 (Sad1 and UNC84 Domain Containing 2):

HMOX1 (Heme Oxygenase (Decycling) 1):

ARL6IP6 (ADP-Ribosylation-Like Factor 6 Interacting Protein 6):

ALG5 (Asparagine-Linked Glycosylation 5, Dolichyl-Phosphate beta-Glucosyltransferase Homolog (S. Cerevisiae)):

CLCC1 (Chloride Channel CLIC-Like 1):


RAE1 (RAE1 RNA Export 1 Homolog (S. Pombe)):


HEATR3 (HEAT Repeat Containing 3):

MDN1 (MDN1, Midasin Homolog):


CISD3 (CDGSH Iron Sulfur Domain 3):

KDELC2 (KDEL (Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu) Containing 2):

KDELC1 (KDEL (Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu) Containing 1):

PUSL1 (Pseudouridylate Synthase-Like 1):

FOXRED2 (FAD-Dependent Oxidoreductase Domain Containing 2):

PLD3 (Phospholipase D family member 3):

TM2D3 (TM2 Domain Containing 3):

HS6ST2 (Heparan Sulfate 6-O-Sulfotransferase 2):

PLOD2 (Procollagen-Lysine 2-Oxoglutarate 5-Dioxygenase 2):

TOR1A (Torsin Family 1, Member A (Torsin A)):

NPC2 (Niemann-Pick Disease, Type C2):

GGH (gamma-Glutamyl Hydrolase (Conjugase, Folylpolygammaglutamyl Hydrolase)):

OS9 (Osteosarcoma Amplified 9, Endoplasmic Reticulum Lectin):

EDEM3 (ER Degradation Enhancer, Mannosidase alpha-Like 3):

ADAM9 (ADAM Metallopeptidase Domain 9):

ADAMTS1 (ADAM Metallopeptidase with Thrombospondin Type 1 Motif, 1):

FBXL12 (F-Box and Leucine-Rich Repeat Protein 12):

DNMT1 (DNA (Cytosine-5)-Methyltransferase 1):

ERP44 (Endoplasmic Reticulum Protein 44):

CHPF (Chondroitin Polymerizing Factor):

NEU1 (Sialidase 1 (Lysosomal Sialidase)):

POFUT1 (Protein O-Fucosyltransferase 1):

PLEKHF2 (Pleckstrin Homology Domain Containing, Family F (With FYVE Domain) Member 2):

PLAT (Plasminogen Activator, Tissue):

SMOC1 (SPARC Related Modular Calcium Binding 1):

SDF2 (Stromal Cell Derived Factor 2):

PCSK6 (Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/kexin Type 6):

GDF15 (Growth Differentiation Factor 15):

FKBP10 (FK506 Binding Protein 10, 65 KDa):

FKBP7 (FK506 Binding Protein 7):

SIL1 (Nucleotide Exchange Factor SIL1):


SLC9A3R1 (Solute Carrier Family 9, Subfamily A (NHE3, Cation Proton Antiporter 3), Member 3 Regulator 1):

CHMP2A (Charged Multivesicular Body Protein 2A):

MARK3 (MAP/microtubule Affinity-Regulating Kinase 3):

MARK2 (MAP/microtubule Affinity-Regulating Kinase 2):

MARK1 (MAP/microtubule Affinity-Regulating Kinase 1):

BAG5 (BCL2-Associated Athanogene 5):

PTBP2 (Polypyrimidine Tract Binding Protein 2):

CDSE1 (Cold Shock Domain Containing E1, RNA-Binding):


TMEM39B (Transmembrane Protein 39B):

PIGS (Phosphatidylinositol Glycan Anchor Biosynthesis, Class S):

TAPT1 (Transmembrane Anterior Posterior Transformation 1):

SLC30A6 (Solute Carrier Family 30 (Zinc Transporter), Member 6):

TMED5 (Transmembrane Emp24 Protein Transport Domain Containing 5):

NLRX1 (NLR Family Member X1):

NDUFB9 (NADH Dehydrogenase (Ubiquinone) 1 beta Subcomplex, 9, 22kDa):

TMEM97 (Transmembrane Protein 97):

UBXN8 (UBX Domain Protein 8):

FAR2 (Fatty Acyl CoA Reductase 2):

ERMP1 (Endoplasmic Reticulum Metallopeptidase 1):

F2RL1 (Coagulation Factor II (thrombin) Receptor-Like 1):

GHITM (Growth Hormone Inducible Transmembrane Protein):

FAM134C (Family with Sequence Similarity 134, Member C):

GPAA1 (GPI Anchor Attachment Protein 1):

ACAD9 (Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Family, Member 9):

ALG8 (Asparagine-Linked Glycosylation 8, alpha-1,3-Glucosyltransferase Homolog):

NDUFAF1 (NADH Dehydrogenase (Ubiquinone) 1 alpha Subcomplex, Assembly Factor 1):

DPY19L1 (Dpy-19-Like 1 (C. Elegans)):

ABCC1 (ATP-Binding Cassette, Sub-Family C (CFTR/MRP), Member 1):

PIGO (Phosphatidylinositol Glycan Anchor Biosynthesis, Class O):

NDFIP2 (Nedd4 Family Interacting Protein 2):


ZYG11B (Zyg-11 Family Member B, Cell Cycle Regulator):

TIMM8B (Translocase of Inner Mitochondrial Membrane 8 Homolog B):

MAP7D1 (MAP7 Domain Containing 1):

RBX1 (Ring-Box 1, E3 Ubiquitin Protein Ligase):

TCEB1 (Transcription Elongation Factor B (SIII), Polypeptide 1 (15kDa, Elongin C)):

TCEB2 (Transcription Elongation Factor B (SIII), Polypeptide 2 (18kDa, Elongin B)):

PPT1 (Palmitoyl-Protein Thioesterase 1):

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