Thyroid Hormone Receptor Interactor 11 Antikörper
(Thyroid Hormone Receptor Interactor 11 (TRIP11)) steht für hochwertige Forschungsprodukte. Suchen, finden und bestellen Sie Tools mit umfangreichen Validierungsdaten, Bildern, Referenzen. Unser wissenschaftlicher Kundenservice steht Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung, wenn Sie Fragen zur Auswahl oder Anwendung unserer Produkte haben.
Ausgewählte Thyroid Hormone Receptor Interactor 11 Kategorien
Thyroid Hormone Receptor Interactor 11 Antikörper
High quality antibodies with extensive validation data.
Empfohlene Thyroid Hormone Receptor Interactor 11 Antikörper
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Neueste Publikationen zu unseren Thyroid Hormone Receptor Interactor 11 Produkten
: "Thyroid hormone, T3-dependent phosphorylation and translocation of Trip230 from the Golgi complex to the nucleus." in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 96, Issue 8, pp. 4443-8, (1999) (PubMed).: "GMAP-210, A cis-Golgi network-associated protein, is a minus end microtubule-binding protein." in: The Journal of cell biology, Vol. 145, Issue 1, pp. 83-98, (1999) (PubMed).
: "A thyroid hormone receptor coactivator negatively regulated by the retinoblastoma protein." in: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 94, Issue 17, pp. 9040-5, (1997) (PubMed).
Synonyme und alternative Namen zu Thyroid Hormone Receptor Interactor 11
thyroid hormone receptor interactor 11 (TRIP11), thyroid hormone receptor interactor 11 (trip11), thyroid hormone receptor interactor 11 L homeolog (trip11.L), thyroid hormone receptor interactor 11 (Trip11), 2610511G22Rik, 3110031G15Rik, 6030460N08Rik, ACG1A, AI450776, cb423, CEV14, GMAP-210, MGC79667, sb:cb423, sb:cb721, TRIP-11, TRIP230, wu:fb71d07Bezeichner auf Proteinebene für Thyroid Hormone Receptor Interactor 11
- Golgi-microtubule-associated protein of 210 kDa
- TR-interacting protein 11
- clonal evolution-related gene on chromosome 14 protein
- golgi-associated microtubule-binding protein 210
- thyroid receptor-interacting protein 11
- thyroid hormone receptor interactor 11
- thyroid receptor-interacting protein 11-like